
21+27/12: Planned interruption of internet servers

21-12-2013 & 27-12-2013
Interruption planifiée des serveurs internet de Polytech Nice-Sophia & AquaCloud - Coupure alimentation électrique.
Planned interruption of internet servers Polytech Nice-Sophia & AquaCloud. Cut power.


25/6: some servers down

24 juin 2013 - 23:45 (utc+2)
suite à rupture alimentation électrique - serveurs indisponibles
electric outrage


[important] remote-desktop off for some days


To put the final touch of unique authentication of euroaquae/aquacloud servers ; all user databases will be reset.
This means that you can not temporarily enter into the remote-desktop. The outage will be 5 days.

We'll start with the Korean server (srvkr.euroaquae.eu) ... tomorrow!
Then the French server (srvfr.euroaquae.eu) in the coming days.

When these operations will be completed, you can connect again!
Be patient;-) some good surprises wait you.

(don't be edgy if you receive this message several times...)

Fabrice Lebas
AquaCloud IT - European higher education projects


iweb: 16/1: web server maintenance

iweb: 16/1: web server maintenance: 16 jan. 2012 - 07:30-08:00 (utc+2) interruption of services hosted by Polytech Nice-Sophia school planned / interruption planifiée des ser...